
Cathy DuBois, DCH
Cathy DuBois is available for online consulting.  She specializes in helping people understand and identify their issues and learn skills to work through them. She has written a great deal about life-skills and personal self-development, has practiced clinical hypnotherapy for over 11 year and earned her doctorate three years ago. She has produced a very popular Relaxation CD and has other material available to her clients.

Using the most up to minute web meeting program on-line today you can enjoy a session on-line with only headphones and  microphone. No need to download any software or pay any long distance phone charges. To check out her very reasonable fee schedule please email
Subject line should read: Consulting

If you are struggling with relationship, self-worth, dysfunctional work or home life or just want to know if you are on the right track, a consult session is the next step for you. Contact Cathy today so tomorrow will be brighter.