Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trial By Fire - Pt 2

My last blog was about my wake-up call to spiritually. It was not possible for me to ignore my pain and suffering anymore. Something had to give. Not everyone finds the same answers that I did and that is just perfect. We are together on this planet but each have their own journeys to travel. We need to respect each other at the same time that we offer our help, wisdom and support.

I learned to trust myself and to understand that I have to feel the fear and just do what I want to do anyway. Fear can be a powerful force field that can block any and all attempts to overcome whatever we are trying to overcome. But we are no longer operating from just our reptilian brain so we can learn to recognize when that force field is just an illusion thrown up to keep us “safe” or, more likely, to keep us “stuck.” We can discern the difference between being careless and stupid and being challenged to move forward.

I learned that anxiety and depression were also ways I had learned to keep myself stuck. I was fearful of becoming someone else. Someone who could make a difference in the world and someone who could embrace change and success. I challenge you today to do one thing that you feel fearful about. Start small and build your “courageous” muscles.

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