Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Changes That Occur When A Person Develops Spirituality - Pt 2

6. Contact with your Higher Power is directly available within your personal experience. This grows from #5 and can be cultivated to a very deep level. Feeling supported by a loving presence, noticing synchronicities, having feelings of awe while in nature, and being able to “let go” of worry are some of the miracles that flow.

7. Questions sincerely asked of your Higher Power are answered. This flows from #6 but emphasizes the fact that this new relationship is a two way street. When you pray for help with some problem you will often see something shift or improve within a short period of time.

8. What you truly ask for or intend from the deepest level of yourself-from your heart-will tend to come to you. This is the power of intention and is a spiritual law. What you intend by belief and commitment and your whole heart tends to come true. This also has ramifications on events in the world apart from you as events in the outer world will tend to align with your most deeply held intentions.

9. Love is stronger than fear. Pure unconditional love comes from your Higher Power. Fear comes from separation from ourselves, others and our God. Love is the foundation of the entire universe. One does not have love or not have love. Love just is.

Anxiety may be related to specific fears of abandonment, rejection and humiliation, loss of control, confinement, injury, or death. But these are all about a separation from first our inner selves and then from God.

10. Death is not an end but a transition. Death is an illusion. The body dies but the spirit or soul does not according to most world religions. Ongoing research with near death experiences and past life regressions seems to support this idea as well. Since the fear of ceasing to exist is probably the deepest one every human has, it is most reassuring to understand that this belief is false. For me, it helped me be more courageous in my actions and take a longer view of what my life represented. The greatest thing to come out of this knowledge for me was that I no longer fear death and therefore can really live my life with direction and purpose.

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